NordWest-Cup in Bad Zwischenahn
Applications 2025- - - Announcement 2025
A-Open Ranking - - - AS-Open Ranking - - - B-Open Ranking - - - C-Open Ranking
A-Open Paairings #1
- - - #2
- - - #3
- - - #4
- - - #5
- - - #6
- - - #7
AS-Open Pairings #1
- - - #2
- - - #3
- - - #4
- - - #5
- - - #6- - - #7
B-Open Pairings #1
- - - #2
- - - #3
- - - #4
- - - #5
- - - #6- - - #7
C-Open Pairings #1
- - - #2
- - - #3
- - - #4
- - - #5
- - - #6
- - - #7

The maximum number of participants has already been reached, subsequent registrations are subject to change (in case of cancellation, registrations will automatically move up)
Dear chess friends,
the NordWest-Cup starts next week,
once again the tournament was very well received.
at the Zwischenahner Meer, 380 players are expected.
In the A-Open, as many as 200 players are registered, one
Number that leads to the so-called yo-yo effect after 7 rounds
and not a "real" winner in the tournament.
Therefore, we see ourselves called upon to react and bring
additionally the new "AS" group for all players with Elo 1850 to 2000.
An additional prize pot has been included in the tender
1st prize 500 euros, 2nd prize 300 euros, etc. Players can ask by email to start in A-Open instead (if they want so).
In order to relieve the B group as well, admission to the C tournament
increased from a maximum of 1500 to 1600.
Due to the increase in the Elo ratings by FIDE last year, the range of numbers has become significantly smaller. This is how we expect
to take this into account with the new division and to take account of the sporting
and chess motives of the participants.
From year 2024
A-Open Participants - - - B-Open Participants - - - C-Open Participants
A-Open Ranking - - - B-Open Ranking - - - C-Open Ranking
A-Open Pairings #1 - - -
- - -
- - - #4
- - - #5
- - - #6
- - - #7
B-Open Pairings #1 - - -
- - - #3
- - - #4
- - - #5
- - - #6
- - - #7
C-Open Pairings #1 - - -
- - - #3
- - - #4
- - - #5
- - - #6
- - - #7
Der 25. NordWest-Cup hat in schöner Atmosphäre einen neuen Sieger gefunden, IM Alberto Barp aus Italien hatte am Ende mit 6 aus 7 Partien die Nase vorn, durch Buchholz noch vor seinem Landsmann GM Lorenzo Lodici. GM Van den Doel blieb Platz 3. Im B-Open gewann SF Agustin Ojeda mit 100% Ausbeute, also 7 aus 7, dahinter Holger Kowalski und Silas Richter. Das C-Open war ebenfalls heiss umkämpft. SF Joshua Grabowski gelangen 6 aus 7, gleichauf mit Marcel Horstmann auf dem 2.Platz. Dr. Jochen Wagner kam auf Platz 3, punktgleich mit Ture Jablonski.
Year 2023
Participants Open --
Ranking --
Pairings Round #1 ---
R#2 ---
R#3 ---
R#4 ---
R#5 ---
R#6 ---
R#7 ---
Participants B-Open --
Ranking --
Pairings Round #1 ---
R#2 ---
R#3 ---
R#4 ---
R#5 ---
R#6 ---
R#7 ---
Participants C-Open --
Pairings Round #1 ---
R#2 ---
R#3 ---
R#4 ---
R#5 ---
R#6 ---
R#7 ---

Teilnehmer Open --
Paarungen Runde #1 ---
Runde #2 ---
Teilnehmer B-Open --
Paarungen Runde #1 ---
Runde #2 ---
Teilnehmer C-Open --
Paarungen Runde #1 ---
Runde #2 ---
Year 2022
Participants Open --
Ranking Open
Pairings Round #1 ---
Round #2
Round #3
--- Round #4
--- Round #5
--- Round #6
--- Round #7
Participants Open_B -
Ranking Open B
Pairings Round #1 ---
Round #2
--- Round #3
--- Round #4
--- Round #5
--- Round #6
--- Round #7
Participants Open_C -
Ranking Open C
Pairings Round #1 ---
Round #2
--- Round #3
--- Round #4
--- Round #5
--- Round #6
--- Round #7
Year 2020
Participants Open --
Ranking Open
Pairings round #1 ---
#2 --- #3
--- #4
--- #5
--- #6
--- #7
Participants Open_B
- - Ranking Open B
Pairings round #1 ---
--- #3
--- #4
--- #5
--- #6
--- #7
Participants Open_C
- - Ranking Open C
Pairings round #1 ---
#2 --- #3
--- #4
--- #5
--- #6
--- #7

From year 2019
Participants Open || Ranking
Pairings Round #1
--- Round #2
--- Round #3
--- Round #4
--- Round #5
--- Round #6
--- Round #7
Participants Open-B || Tabelle
Pairings Round #1
--- Round #2
--- Round #3
--- Round #4
--- Round #5
--- Round #6
--- Round #7
Participants Open-C || Tabelle
Pairings Round #1
--- Round #2
--- Round #3
--- Round #4
--- Round #5
--- Round #6
--- Round #7